Spiritual Awakening & Enlightenment Portal
Internal Self-Empowerment: We are
here, now. I don't know how we got here, but we are here. Blood is
circulating; breath is going out and in. There is sound and there is
silence. Whatever I presume or imagine myself to be; whatever I choose
to identify with in any given moment, such as this one, seems to have
either nothing or everything to do with it all...
Listen to this first: Osho: What is Happiness?
Can you imagine nothing? No people, no earth, no
universe, no consciousness, no anything; just eternal nothingness
without witness?
So far for me there has always been something. Even
in the deepest sleep, still, I am. I may not remember, but I have no
evidence that I am non-existant in any moment that I look. Always, there
I am, whatever it is that is me.
The universe is only appearances in my awareness.
Space, time, trees, houses, people, these hands that are typing on this
keyboard, the thoughts that are occurring as they do – these things are
all external, secondary to the consciousness of them, secondary to me,
whatever it is that I am. They are all in the category of observed
things, and observed things come and go; none of them are me or mine;
none of them can ever be presumed to be real apart from me.
If it is possible for me not to exist, then it is possible for this
entire universe not to exist too. In fact it is certain. When I cease
to exist, the universe will cease to exist too. It’s obvious that there
can be no universe without me because I am an essential part of it. In
fact, I am prior to it.
Sitting here, trying to imagine what nothing would be
like, the thoughts settle down and I find I turn inward on myself. To
get to nothing, I have to go through me. Is it possible for me not to
exist? What is it, actually, that I am?
Who Am I?: Who I Am; Calvin & Hobbes; A Story of Self
Perceiver and Perceived: Open Secret
Monkey Mind; Jill Bolte Taylor - My Stroke of Insight; Intenders poster;
Describe God; Fears & Desires; Prying Open the Third Eye; All as One; Peace
Awakening: The Call -- The Awakening Trilogy Pt. 1, 10/28/10
Love: I Choose Love;
Wave; LuvAmp Project, June 18, 2011; Wave 11:11 One love brings peace
Reality: Impersonal Life^; A thousand times a day, say: "Be still! - and KNOW - I AM - God."
Present Moment Awareness;
Rightnow; What is Real?;
Beyond Matter Of course this is all there is. Surrender to it by just being present & real.
Dustin Hoffman in 'I Heart Huckabees': Blanket is Everything, 8/9/10
Maya [All the evidence you have that you are not GOD.]: Is Reality an Illusion?;
Reality is an Illusion, 8/20/8;
Illusion & Reality 1; 2;
Shpongle: Nothing Lasts...;
Randy George: Veil of Illusion;
Lessons about destroying the ego/self from the film Revolver by Guy Ritchie, 6/1/10
^Additional off-site links available to Members upon request.
Sarlo's Guru Rating Service; Spiritual Teacher Ratings; TAT Forum;
Mystic Missal archive; Nondualism wikipedia; Urban Guru Cafe;
SearchWithin downloads; G. Falk - Stripping the Gurus; Williams, Nair & Oborne: Beyond Duality - Sketches of Enlightened Spiritual Teachers of Modern Times;
Satsang Teachers & Schedules
3Wisemen: Sunshine Sight
Advaita: Tat Tvam Asi^;
Advaita Bodha Deepika;
V. Krishnamurthy - Advaita, a Dialogue^;
Advaita for Beginners;
Advaita Vedanta;
Zen of Advaita
Adyashanti: Open Gate Sangha; Emptiness Dancing^; True Meditation^
Amma Saij^; Embracing the World^; When You Go Beyond the Ego^
AmmaBhagavan: Oneness University
Baba Hari Dass: wikipedia
Ramesh Balsekar: Consciousness Is All There Is; Uniquely Programmed Individual; What is Free Will?;
Essence of Enlightenment, 3/14/11
Asaram Bapu: Ashram
Jacob Boehme:
God is All; Way to Christ;
1st Book: Of True Repentance;
2nd Book: Of True Resignation; 3rd Book: Of Regeneration or New Birth; 4th Book:
2 Dialogues Concerning the Supersensual Life; Of Heaven & Hell; The Way From Darkness to True Illumination^;
Boehme & Hartmann: Personal Christianity^;
Mark Jaqua:
Illumination of Jacob Boehme^;
Hans Lassen Martensen: Jacob Boehme His Life & Teaching^;
W.P. Swainson: Jacob Boehme Teutonic Philosopher^
James Braha: Non Duality
Eileen Caddy:
Learning to Love, Opening Doors Within;
Bob Cergol:
Aligning Ourselves with the Will of God;
Certainty You Seek^;
Dancing Flame^;
If I Am a Teacher;
Nothing of You Remains^;
Other Side;
Power of Purpose Lies in the Question;
What Are You Seeking?;
What is Your Calling?
Mantak Chia: Pacific Tao;
Universal Tao; Chi Self Massage; Cosmic Healing I;
Cosmic Healing II; Cosmic Internal Smile; Cultivating Female Sexual Energy;
Cultivating the Male Sexual Energy; Darkness Technology;
Dark Room Enlightenment; Iron Shirt Chi Kung I
Linda Clair:
Enlightenment Is Not An Experience;
Simple Meditation;
Rapport—Enlightenment—Union~ An Interview, 3/4/12;
Paul Constant: Jacob's Ladder: A Direct Going Within;
Jacob's Ladder;
Jacob's Ladder: Q&A;
Mind's Resistance;
No Religion is Greater Than Friendship
Paul Constant & Michael Casari:
Awareness Within
Timothy Conway: This is All a Dream^
Anthony de Mello:
Prayer of the Frog^; Suspicious & Timely Death of Father Anthony de Mello
Friends of Dolano;
Download Tapes;
Enlightenment is Your Nature, 7/30/7;
Last Satsang; End of the Path, 8/5/7;
True Meditation, 8/10/7;
How Enlightenment Happened 1, 8/14/7;
How Enlightenment Happened 2, 8/15/7;
There is No Reason, 11/5/7;
When YOU are no more, Then you are, 11/6/7;
What is afraid to Die 1, 3/27/11;
What is Afraid to Die 2, 3/28/11;
On Sexuality, 4/1/11;
Wake up Call -- When Everything Stops!, 4/24/11;
How can I be Sure?, 8/28/11
Tim Duerden: Notes; Subtle Energy Manual, v. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Meister Eckhart: Sermons^; Quotes^;
Selections From German Mystics^ "The Eye with which I see God is the same Eye with which God sees me."
Tom Feeley: Who Really Rules This World
Peter Fenner: Radiant Mind
Jeff Foster: Life Without a Centre^;
All that's left is laughter, 8/2/10
Foundation for Inner Peace: A Course In Miracles^
Tim Freke: The Mystery Experience
Randall Friend: You Are Dreaming
Joel Goldsmith: A Parenthesis In Eternity^; Dominion^; Meditation on God^; Realization of Oneness^
Thadeus Golas: Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment; again;
Mike Graham: End of Spiritual Seeking
Vincenzo Guarisco: Golden Jewel^
G.I. Gurdjieff: All Works, 2,686 pgs.^;
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson (1950)^; Early Talk, 2/9/23^;
Herald of Coming Good^;
Life is Only Real When I Am^;
Enneagram lecture^; Meetings With Remarkable Men^;
Struggle of the Magicians^;
Views From the Real World^;
International Review; Movements;
Last Hour of Life^; Aflaki: Whirling Ecstacy^;
Gorham Munson: Gurdjieff-Ouspensky-Orage;
Heart Without Measure^;
J.G. Bennett: Dramatic Universe^;
J.G. Bennett: Talks on Beelzebub's Tales^;
Rodney Collin: Christian Mystery^; Hellas^; Herald of
Harmony^; Lessons in Religion for a Skeptical World^; Mirror of Light^;
Mystery of the Seed^; Theory of Celestial Influence^;
Theory of Conscious Harmony^; Theory of Eternal Life;
P.D. Ouspensky: A Further Record^; A New Model of the Universe^; A Record of Meetings^;
Fourth Way^; In Search of the Miraculous^; Letters from Russia^;
Psychology of Mans Possible Evolution^; Strange Life of Ivan Osoukin^; Symbolism of the Tarot^;
Talks With a Devil^; Tertium Organum^
Guruji: Collection of Columns^
Anandmurti Gurumaa: A Modern Day Mystic
Charles Haanel: Master Key System^
Ching Hai: God's Direct Contact - Way to Reach Peace^;
I Have Come to Take You Home^; Secrets to Effortless Spiritual Practice^;
Spiritual Teachings^
Burt Harding: Awareness Foundation; Awakened Life is ordinary!;
Basic Teaching; Does the 'I AM' die?; Emptiness is fullness;
Eternal NOW!!; Four facts for awakening; Great Fear of Death;
Is the world an illusion?; It is Emptiness that LISTENS!!;
JOY is the disappearance of you!;
Law of Allowing; Paradox & contradiction of ego!;
Presence is all there is!; Secret of Letting-go; Understanding Depression;
unknown facts of a human being; Who is it that experiences through you?
Douglas Harding: DH & the Headless Way^; Headless Way^;
Pillay interview with DH; Realization
Franz Hartmann: Practical Way
David Hawkins: Power vs. Force; Consciousness Chart
Dale Hunter: Book of Daleth^;
Leonard Jacobson: website
Byron Katie: The Work; Instructions for Doing The Work^; Massad interview with BK;
Losing the Moon^; Loving What It Is^;
Loving What Is; 21 Ways to Stay in Peace^; I Need Your Love, Is That True?^
R.P. Kaushik: Light of Exploration
Scott Kiloby: Reflections of the One Life
Jean Klein: Advaita Vedanta Teacher
Barrie Konicov: Self-Hypnosis/ Subliminal Persuasion mp3s
Jiddu Krishnamurti:
Collection, 34,454 pgs^; A Psychological Revolution^; Answer Is In the Problem^; Art of Listening^;
As One Is^;
Awakening of Intelligence^; Beauty of Death^; Beginnings of Learning^; Beyond Violence^; Book of Life^;
Choiceless Awareness^; Diary;
Dignity of Living^; Ending of Time (w Bohm)^; Exploration Into
Insight^; First & Last Freedom^; Flight of the Eagle^; From Darkness
to Light^;
Freedom From the Known; Future of Humanity^; Journal^; Life Ahead^;
Meeting Life^; New Mind^; Notebook^; Observer Is the Observed^;
Observing Without the "Me" (1st Public Talk); On Education^;
On Knowing Oneself^; Talks & Dialogues, 1968^; Talks & Discussions, 1969^; Think on These Things;
This Light in Oneself^; To Himself^;
Tradition & Creativity^; Tradition & Revolution^; Truth & Actuality^; Unconditioned Mind^;
Urgency of Change^;
What Are You Seeking^; What Is Right Action^; Wholeness of Life^;
U.G. Krishnamurti: Essential UG;
Courage to Stand Alone; Mind Is A Myth; pdf; again;
Mystique of Enlightenment; pdf;
Natural Man;
Natural State^;
No Way Out;
Thought Is Your Enemy;
Bhatt - A Taste of Death;
Bhatt - U.G. Krishnamurti, A Life; pdf;
Kelker - Sage & the Housewife;
Stopped in Our Tracks - Series 1;
Reddi - Science & UG; Remembering U.G.;
U.G. Krishnamurti's Meeting With Ramana Maharshi
Gina Lake: Astrology and Awakening^; Heart’s Wisdom; Radical Happiness ; Awakening from the Egoic Mind; Radiance: Experiencing Divine Presence^
Michael Langford: Awareness Watching Awareness
Wayne Liquorman: Advaita Fellowship; Introduction to the Teaching
Devi Clara Llum: Awakening is being free from the mind^; Rest on your All-inclusive Awareness, 10/13/8^;
True being is unselfconscious, 11/17/8;
Ultimate Delusion^;
Where the Relative Meets the Absolute
Barry Long: organization; What It Is to Die^
Bart Marshall: Becoming Vulnerable to Grace;
Degree to Which You Do Not Exist
Jed McKenna: Spiritual Enlightenment the Damndest Thing^
Meher Baba: wikipedia;
Beams on the Spiritual Panorama^;
Eternal Beloved;
Everything & the Nothing^; Evolution of Consciousness;
God Speaks^;
On War^; Path of Love^; Planes of Consciousness;
Franklin Merrell-Wolff: Fellowship; Great Space Center;
Om Guru
Howdie Mickoski: Alone in Enlightenment
What makes This Dream more Real?;
Silence is Your Name; Nobody Wants You to be Free
Joel Morwood:
Understanding Delusion^;
Who Are You, Really?^
Katherine Murray: Awareness - An Owner's Manual^
Neem Karoli Baba: Miracle of Love;
Ram Dass - Be Here Now^;
LSD with no effects
Shawn Nevins: Black Wall;
Business of Seeking;
Finding Balance;
Persistence and Self-Honesty
Nirmala: Beyond No Self^;
Gifts with No Giver^;
Heart's Wisdom^; Nothing Personal, pt. 1^; Radiance^
Hua Ching Ni (OmNi): Integral Way;
Tao of Wellness;
Natural Way;
Longevity Center
Nisargadatta Maharaj: Page
Living Enlightenment - Discourse on 1st Experience Day (5/31/07); Seattle TV Interview;
Workings of the Mind; Power of the 3rd Eye
Candice O'Denver: Great Freedom;
Open Intelligence
Osho: Page
Wake Up & Roar Pt.1^, Pt.2^;
video clips; Greenwald interview w Papaji; Our Destination
Tony Parsons: Open Secret
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: Hare Krishna Book Archive
Pierre Pradervand: Gentle Art of Blessing
Prem Baba: Path of the Heart Pt.1^; Pt.2^;
Satsang 02.02.2011 - Honrar a Mãe Divina, 7/19/11
Anima Pundeer: Realization
Ramakrishna: F. Max Muller - His Life & Sayings^;
Gospel^; Golden Words^; Short Biography
Ramana Maharshi:
Ranjit Maharaj: interview;
Way of the Bird^;
Andrew Vernon: You are He^
Karl Renz:
Chögyam Trunga Rinpoche: Blue Pancake; Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
Bernadette Roberts:
Richard Rose:
The Absolute;
Adventure into Poetry;
Aligning Ourselves with the Will of God;
Are We Complete^; Are You a Robot^;
Beacon Journal Article;
Books of the Relative;
Boston College Lecture;
Boulder, CO Lecture;
Columbus Ohio Lecture;
Courthouse Lawn;
Defining the Truth;
Defining the Truth—Part 2;
Deposition and Conclusion;
Going Within;
Grand Work of the TAT Society;
Introduction to the Albigen System;
Intro to the Albigen System (audio);
Los Angeles, CA Lecture;
Los Angeles, CA Lecture (audio);
On the Evaluation of Sects and Isms;
On the Feasibility of Action;
On the Reaction to Problems;
Path to Truth;
Peace of Mind (Despite Success)—Akron;
Peace of Mind (Despite Success)—Irwin;
Pittsburgh, PA 1976 Lecture;
Pittsburgh Theosophical Society Lecture;
Pregnant Witch;
Present Trend in Sociology;
Prostaglandins and Morality;
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Three Causes of Adversity;
Threefold Path;
We Must Find Our Fellows;
WKSU Radio Interview;
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Zen and Death;
Zen & Esoteric Christianity
Gold & Marshall: After the Absolute;
John Kent: Path to Reality;
John Kent: Richard Rose's Psychology of the Observer^;
Robert Martin: Peace to the Warrior^
Joseph Sadony: Gates of the Mind
Sai Baba of Shirdi:
Sai Baba of Shirdi^;
Life of Shirdi Sai Baba^; Sri Sai Baba's Charters & Sayings^;
Shri Sai a - Wonderful Life and Teachings of Shri Sai Baba^;
Pujyasri Narasimhaswamiji: Wondrous Saint Sri Sai Baba^
William Samuel: 2+2=Reality;
Awakening in the Meadow;
Melody of the Woodcutter and the King;
Modern Mystic;
Unpossessed Awareness
Mario Sanasi: The Seeing
Gilbert Schultz: Essence of the 1st Instant^;
Everything Is Clear & Obvious^; Shining through the Mind
Suzanne Segal: Excerpts from Collision with the Infinite
Shankara: Essence of the Teachings
Stanley Sobottka: A Course In Consciousness
David Spero: Just Dissolve the Mind; Permeated by Divine Light
Brother David Steindl-Rast: Constant Miracle
Shree SurajBani: Home
Art Ticknor:
Complications & Sticking Points;
Critical Path to Nirvana^; Ego^;
Is Psychological Change Necessary?;
Meditation: What Is It?;
Nirvana Project Management;
Realization followup
Eckhart Tolle: teachings; audios;
A New Earth^;
"Can I be the Space for this?", 2/6/8;
Death, 2/4/8;
Deepest Truth of Human Existence, 2/9/8;
Enlightenment, 2/4/8;
Power of Now^; Practicing the Power of Now^; Stillness Speaks^;
Ripples on the Surface of Being Interview by Andrew Cohen;
Jim Carrey on "Awakening"
Joan Tollifson:
Simplicity of What Is;
Openess that's Always Here
Nitin Trasi: What Is Enlightenment?
Unmani: Beyond concepts;
Life Recognizing Itself; Meeting in Not-Knowing
Swami Vivekananda: Complete Works^; Swami Nikhilananda: Vivekananda biography^;
Nivedita: Master As I Saw Him^
Wei Wu Wei (Terrence Grey): archive; All Else is Bondage^;
Ask the Awakened;
Open Secret^; Tenth Man;
That Is That;
Ivan Frimmel: Effortless Way^
Roy Whenary: In the Mirror of Life^; Texture of Being - Understanding Your True Self^
Williams, Nair & Oborne: Beyond Duality^
Stephen Wingate: Living in Peace: Natural State
Ian Wolstenholme: Love of Truth
Metta Zetty: Wakening Into Awareness; Epiphany: Gift of Light
Gayatri Mantra: audio,
'Personal' Report #5
Submitted from Tiruvannamalai, March 18, 2012
Obviously, as you know, Hell is just in the mind.
"I" is The Seductive Devil. No "I" is Heaven.
You don't have to physically die to have no "I".
You don't have to physically live to have one, as you're not even (merely) physically living right now.
In fact, if you die with an "I", you'll just dream up a new magnificent Hell.
Outside of fantasy, the only Reality is silence and peace and freedom and bliss and loving Heaven.
Easy to say. Easier than easy to be.
It is what you are. It is what everyone is; even the dolphins and the
whales and the elephants and cockroaches and amoebas and rocks and the
aliens. It is what God is.
And, only God exists.
It is obvious, isn't it?
Only imagination creates the savior Satan Claus in the sky. and imagination is definitively not real.
What is outside of fantasy? The witness of the fantasizer, which is just a hint of what's really going on.
There is no time. There is no space.
There is no train wreck that is about to happen. There is no train and there is no destination.
We are already here now. We have never been anywhere or anytime other than here now.
Here Now is not a time and/or a place.
It is the Reality.
It is the only God.
It is the only "I"; and, it doesn't have a name.
Empty of identity or boundary, It is FULL with whatever IS.
The entire fantasy universe comes after IT.
Obviously a Universe cannot even be perceived without a perceiver; and,
even the particular perceiver is a fantasy. Take a look. It disappears
as soon as you do.
What is there to cling to or resist; i.e. cause any suffering?
You don't make the blood course through the veins. You don't make the
breath breathe. You don't bring the thoughts or emotions or sensations
in front of the perception.
Take a look right Now. IT is delicious, isn't it?
What is underneath the doubt; what is underneath the All; what's
indisputably REAL is only 'miraculous' DIVINITY, telling "me" to accept
what is and know that God only Loves.
I am You; You are Me, just in another apparent incarnation.
You are released. "I" is released.
"I" REST my case.
Sorry. "I"'m not enlightened; "I"'m just babbling to my Self before
Arunachala on this Glorious Sunday afternoon. Please Disregard
Everything "I've" said.
"I" love you.
"I"'me sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
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Personal Report #4.
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Personal Report #7;
Personal Report #8;
Personal Report #9;
Personal Report #10;
Personal Report #11.
Impersonal Life;
J. Krishnamurti;
U.G. Krishnamurti;
Ramana Maharshi;
Gilbert Schultz;
Eckhart Tolle;
Wei Wu Wei